Meck Check – Office Supplies and Organization
Walking into an office supply store without a list of specific needs is about as useful as walking into a gym without a workout in mind or going grocery shopping while hungry. Avoid it at all costs or incur costs you could have otherwise avoided. Buy wisely like Meck Organizing’s Sasha here.
Don’t know where to start? Here’s a list of supplies that will have you covered for most things, and you don’t need to stock for the next generation – get just what you may use in 3 to 6 months, depending on how much room you have for storage:
Desk organizer, aka Inbox – because stuff that can go anywhere goes everywhere!
Writing pens in black ink
Black Sharpies, fine point and extra wide
Pencils and hand pencil sharpener – just a few will do
Pads of paper in sizes that work for size of your desk and fit in your travel bag
Post-Its in 3” x 3” in color that are light enough you’ll be able to see black writing
Yellow highlighter pens
Stapler and staples
Copy paper – Mother Earth thanks you for buying recycled
Paper clips in standard size
Binder clips in small, medium, and large
Rubber bands in medium and large
Scotch tape – you don’t need a fancy dispenser, put it in a drawer
3-hole punch – if you get one with a low handle, it has a better chance of fitting into a drawer
Tape measure – it’s shocking how often you may reach for one, go for a small version
Small calculator
Hanging file folders – use consistent colored folders and clear tabs
Hanging file folder tabs in 3.5” wide size – for those extra long titles
Label maker – don’t scrimp on this, get a good one, you’ll use it more than you know!
Label maker tape in 1/2” white on black
Cell phone charger with long cord
Screen cleaner
Drawer organizers to corral supplies so they aren’t sliding around