Life Organizing
“We are not human doings. We are human beings.”
We live in a time when thanks to technology we can do so much at any moment. As a result we keep doing, doing, doing. But the days we feel like we get “so much done” aren’t the days when we check off the highest number of tasks. They are the days when we are “in the zone,” when we are present and connected, when the things we find important get handled and we are comfortable with what is left.
Meck Organizing helps clients regularly feel that sense of productive achievement and peace of mind that the right things are being handled at the right time. Some clients simply have too much on their plate for one person to handle in a given timeframe – for those we are an extension of them, taking care of things as they would if they could. Other clients would like to have new systems in place to maximize use of time, money, and energy at home or at work – for those clients we evaluate what are their pain points and focus on what they think could be done differently. And other clients just plain don’t enjoy certain things and want to delegate them – we gladly take on those tasks and projects to free them up to do the things they enjoy.
Whether it’s an overflowing inbox, a habit of over-scheduling, an all too familiar feeling of being rushed or coming up short, a deep desire to get something done yet it still lingers on the to-do list, we can help in identifying the who, what, when, where, and why of the matter, get things completed, and implement systems for easy, relaxed continued maintenance. Less doing. More being.
Your goals. Our support.
When things aren’t going as intended, often the reason can be summed up as: “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Our first step in helping with any client project is to LISTEN. If we don’t know where people want to go, how can we map out the fastest and most enjoyable way to get them there? Not knowing the destination opens us to the risk of making excellent time…only in the wrong direction.
Meck Organizing listens to clients’ needs and is dedicated to creating sensible solutions. When tasked with a client project, we know we don’t live in that house or work in that office or walk day-to-day in those shoes, so whatever is done needs to have clear, positive effects long after we’ve gone. We refer to it as “working ourselves out of a job.” A terrible business plan, but people seem to love it!
Meck Organizing supports busy clients as they make decisions about how to allocate their time, money and energy to fulfill their goals for the day, month, year, beyond. A complete and up-to-date task management system is the key to this. Some clients have one that needs enhancing, some clients are starting from scratch, some clients desire others in their regular work and home life to get on board with one! We take a look at what clients find is working and what’s not and recommend ways to get more of the right things done in less time while experiencing less stress. We also help get those to-do’s done, from calls, paperwork, errands, supervising appointments, helping develop daily plans, more.
When it comes to paperwork, there are folks who file, folks who pile, and folks who do a bit of both depending on the circumstances. If going fully digital is not your thing, and it isn’t for most, then establishing a sleek, easy to maintain paper flow system is essential to keep from drowning under a wave of pulp and ensure others who also access the information can find it quickly. The paper filing systems Meck Organizing sets up are designed to accommodate growth with home, business, and personal accounts, projects, and activities so they don’t easily get outgrown or too complex. If you choose to go partially or completely digital, we can help you get those paper bits turned to bytes and organized in a logical way.
Most folks’ time and skills are better utilized doing something other than paperwork, especially if paperwork isn’t something they enjoy. Slide the files across to Meck Organizing and we’ll complete those applications, write those thank you notes, draft those job descriptions, submit those insurance claims, finish that tax organizer…what else is stacked in your Inbox?
Our homes are getting smarter, but they still need people to run them. Meck Organizing’s house management system scales to serve studio apartments to sprawling estates, enabling homeowners to stay on top of renovations, repairs, regular maintenance needs, guides and manuals, appointments, service provider contact information, house account information, and more. Our team members provide on-site and virtual support, partnering with the homeowners, house staff, interior designers, general contractors, specialty trade teams, family business offices, realtors, and other key parties to ensure smooth and timely care for healthy, well-maintained homes.
With our population aging and minimalistic living becoming more on-trend, individuals and families are downsizing and encountering the difficult challenge of determining what stays and what goes. One storage warehouse owner told us she’d like to tell her customers, “Your kids don’t want your crap!” But that is not so easy when playing the What If Game. You know the game. “What if one day I have a bigger house and want to learn to play the piano, then keeping grandma’s baby grand is a good idea!” and “What if one day my kids want to look at all of the art they made from pre-school through high school then keeping these 10 boxes full is the right thing to do!” Meck Organizing understands the downsizing process is personal and can be very emotional. Our team members bring patience, empathy, encouragement, and strategy to each session while supporting clients to reach their downsizing goals within their ideal timeframe. We handle removal of sellable items, donations, bulk trash, and recyclables as well as manage packing and moving as needed. We help clients overcome their fear of letting go and organize the things they wish to keep, emphasizing functionality, order, efficiency, and personal taste.
Home renovations are exciting. They can also be expensive, time consuming, and crazy making. Meck Organizing helps minimize the negative and maximize the positive parts of renovation projects by serving as a liaison between the homeowner and parties involved, commonly the architect, general contractor, specialty trade teams, interior designer, and landscape designer. By partnering with these skilled professionals and helping the homeowner stay on top of requests, timelines and budgets are much more easily adhered to and moods tend to be much better!
“Nancy is extremely professional and excellent at organizing. She knows how to help her clients get organized, whether it be in the closet, office or another part of their life. She is a pleasure to work with.”
Keep it Organized
The steps to becoming organizationally fit are a lot like those to becoming physically fit. No Peloton, gym membership, or Shake Weight required.
Step 1: Lose Excess Weight.
Just like the healthy mindset to adopt in becoming physically fit, number one rule in becoming even more organized is to stay positive and remember: No shaming. Banish the words “should of” and “could of” from our vocabulary. What’s done is done. The money to buy the item is already spent. The deadline is already missed. The event has already passed. Plus there are no guarantees that having done something differently would have been an improvement to Now.
Instead of focusing on the past, Meck Organizing encourages clients to trim the fat by letting go of toxic ideas and projects that aren’t inspiring and strengthening. Focus just on current intentions that will have a positive impact. Park car in garage. Close down storage unit. Pay bills on time. Increase profits. Eliminate loose papers. Get together a list of current tasks or projects, decide on the next physical action, delegate when possible, and be comfortable letting go of everything else.
Step 2: Fine Tune.
Once tasks and projects are down to a “healthy weight,” it’s time for refinement. That may include buying new products, bringing on more help, modifying existing systems, and other enhancements to tackle troubled target areas. Meck Organizing team members can source and install products, book and supervise appointments, design productivity systems, train family members and staff, and more to take get things whipped into even better shape.
Step 3: Strengthen and Nourish.
As time goes on, additional areas to organizationally flex and nurture become noticeable. From sharing tips and resources, answering questions, doing hands-on work, or simply being a cheerleader for your efforts, our team members provide continued support as clients focus more and more on the health and wellness of their home, office, and personal efforts.
Step 4: Maintain.
This organizational exercise then becomes a lifestyle, with healthy thoughts and behaviors keeping people and their things fit and happy. A little maintenance done frequently goes a long way. And it’s always easier to workout with like-minded people who have similar goals, so getting the household and office staff on board is great for accountability and teamwork. That makes for one happy and productive family, business, and life! And if a little more support, coaching or a different routine is needed as time goes on, Meck Organizing is in your corner!
“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”