“Look for happiness under your own roof.”
Home. A place to rest, rejuvenate, create, laugh, love, learn, eat, socialize, relax, and for many, work. That’s not easy to do when it doesn’t look or function they way you would like it to, and it’s even tougher when you’re sharing it with other human beings (and animals!) who have different habits and preferences than yours. Our home organizing service implements simple and long-lasting solutions to challenges clients face with how the space is arranged, how it functions, and how those living (perhaps working) in it communicate and operate with one another.
Sweetening Your Home Sweet Home
Every home is unique and every person living in the home is unique, but there are common roadblocks to implementing effective home organizing solutions including lack of time, money, energy, interest, being too close to the issue, and The Blame Game: “If XYZ would just do what s/he is supposed to…if the master closet was just bigger…if the garage had a second bay…it wouldn’t be this way!”
Meck Organizing takes a focused, unbiased look at the home organizing challenges clients raise and helps them put the puzzle together with innovative organizing solutions to get the most out of the existing space and existing resources. A closet build-out isn’t needed if belongings are pared down to an amount that the existing closet can accommodate. An extra 30 minutes in the morning to get ready isn’t needed if clothes and toiletries are easy to grab and use. An assistant to do filing and bill pay isn’t needed if the filing and bill pay system is quick and easy enough to handle in-house. The Blame Game stops when each household member takes ownership for their things and behaviors and all agree upon a simple system for maintenance.
Memorabilia, clothes and accessories, holiday decorations, kitchen and pantry items, toiletries, toys, tools and hardware, books and media, paperwork, costumes, gift wrap, crafts, office supplies, excess furniture and objet, sports and rec gear, suitcases and bags…they are the things that take up valuable space in our basements, attics, closets, cupboards and common living areas. If they are not being loved and used, they are stagnant energy with no positive contribution to the household or anyone/anything else. Meck Organizing team members help folks wade through the sea of belongings and make comfortable decisions about what to keep and part with, determine how the items being kept should be arranged and used, follow through with decisions about what to let go of, and ensure systems are in place for maintenance down the road.
Major Life Events
Even with the best functioning organizational systems in place, we can get pushed for time or feel overwhelmed when an unordinary life event happens. Moving, a newborn, a job change, a school change, a marriage, a death, a divorce, a big house repair or renovation…these take a toll on our time, money and energy. Meck Organizing supports clients through major life events by being a trusted, effective, positive resource to get things done.
Enthusiastic Problem-Solvers
Often when things aren’t going as intended, the reason can be summed up as: “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Our first step in helping with any client task or project is to LISTEN. If we don’t know where people want to go, how can we map out the fastest and most enjoyable way to get them there? Not knowing the destination opens us to the risk of making excellent time…only in the wrong direction.
The Meck Organizing team listens to clients’ needs and dedicates itself to creating sensible solutions. When tasked with a client project, we know we don’t live in that house or work in that office or walk day-to-day in those shoes, so whatever work is done needs to have clear, positive effects long after we’ve gone. We refer to it as “working ourselves out of a job.” It’s a terrible business plan, but it’s a great client benefit.
The sense of “It was a great day!” really comes down to how we feel about what has been done. We work with clients to figure out what is important to them, how they would like things accomplished, and what methods would be a good match for their natural habits and personal tastes. The end goal is more joy and productivity to the every day, and more time, money, and energy to put toward people and things they love and appreciate.